Stats | Correlation Coefficient |
Order | Asc Desc |
Consumption Expenditure of Mackerel | 0.7205 |
Consumption Expenditure of Sardines | 0.653 |
Consumption Expenditure of Yellowtail | 0.638 |
Consumption of Chicken | 0.5981 |
Poplar | 0.5939 |
Nurse | 0.5544 |
Number of Anglers (25 years of age or more) | 0.5541 |
Length of Coastline | 0.5472 |
Patient with Fracture | 0.5437 |
Patients with Asthma | 0.5372 |
Patient with Fracture | 0.5333 |
Clinic | 0.5179 |
Paved Rate | 0.5031 |
Beds for Long-Term Care | 0.4954 |
Beds for Mental Patients | 0.4913 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mandarin Oranges | 0.4865 |
Psychiatric Hospitals | 0.4735 |
Death due to Liver Cancer: Female | 0.4723 |
Consumption Amount of Umbrella | 0.4615 |
Male Physicians | 0.4507 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Kasutera', Sponge Cakes | 0.4388 |
Consumption Expenditure of Sugar | 0.437 |
Death Due to Cancer : Female | 0.4368 |
Consumption Expenditure of ’Furikake’, Granular Flavour Seasonings | 0.4343 |
Number of Volleyball Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.4321 |
Number of Physicians | 0.4186 |
Hospital | 0.4181 |
Practicing Physicians | 0.4176 |
Death due to Liver Cancer: Male | 0.4106 |
General Beds | 0.3915 |
Theaters and Concert halls | 0.3777 |
Consumption Expenditure of Citrus Fruits | 0.375 |
Death Due to Cancer : Male | 0.3725 |
Pharmacies | 0.3644 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Manju', Bean-jam Cakes | 0.3582 |
Consumption Expenditure of Chinese cabbage | 0.3494 |
Consumption of Beef | 0.3404 |
Elementary Schools | 0.3327 |
Senior Citizens | 0.3307 |
Consumption Expenditure of Pumpkins | 0.3244 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mayonnaise & Mayonnaise Flavor Seasoning | 0.318 |
Sumo Ring | 0.3114 |
Consumption Expenditure of Margarine | 0.3085 |
Consumption Expenditure of Shrimps & Lobsters | 0.2996 |
Consumption Expenditure of Watermelons | 0.2992 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Pedestrian | 0.2938 |
Patients with Major depressive disorder (aged 65 or above) | 0.2896 |
Amount of Greenhouse Gas Emission | 0.2864 |
Pachinko Parlors | 0.2615 |
Drowning Death Rate (Except for Bath) | 0.2597 |
Consumption Expenditure of Candies | 0.2589 |
Consumption Expenditure of Burdocks | 0.256 |
Patients with Major depressive disorder | 0.2543 |
Consumption Expenditure of Flavour Seasonings | 0.2511 |
Patients with Diabetes | 0.2491 |
Rest and Relaxation Ttime | 0.2448 |
Consumption Expenditure of Short-Necked Clams | 0.2418 |
Average Life Expectancy: Female | 0.2409 |
Consumption Expenditure of Edible Oil | 0.2355 |
Consumption Expenditure of Dressing | 0.2329 |
Pachinko Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.2305 |
Female Physicians | 0.226 |
Mass Media Viewing TIme | 0.2247 |
Patients with Hypertension (aged 65 or above) | 0.219 |
Buddhists | 0.2189 |
Internet cafe | 0.2177 |
Consumption Expenditure of Seafood | 0.216 |
Consumption Expenditure of Green Tea | 0.2148 |
Consumption Expenditure of Dried Laver | 0.2133 |
Consumption Expenditure of Frozen Food | 0.2133 |
Rate of Single-parent Households | 0.2124 |
Consumption of Shochu | 0.2104 |
Consumption Expenditure of White Potatoes | 0.2102 |
Rate of Artificial Forest Land | 0.21 |
Employed Persons in Primary Industry | 0.2089 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bananas | 0.2083 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Shiitake”, Japanese mushrooms, fresh | 0.2025 |
Participants in Volunteer Work (25 years of age or more) | 0.2013 |
Automobile Accidents | 0.1954 |
Christians | 0.1951 |
Participants in Community Development Activities (25 years of age or more) | 0.1901 |
Rate of Double-Income Households | 0.1853 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - All | 0.1834 |
Consumption Expenditure of Soy Sauce | 0.1808 |
Elementary School Students | 0.1806 |
Gym | 0.1759 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Shimeji”, mushrooms | 0.1738 |
Shinto Shrines | 0.1723 |
Consumption Expenditure of Taros | 0.1706 |
Number of Softball Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.1704 |
Local Government Employees | 0.1692 |
Rate of Empty Houses | 0.1616 |
Obstetricians and Gynecologists | 0.1615 |
Total Floor Space of Residential Buildings of rental housing | 0.1586 |
Temples | 0.1578 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Enokitake”, mushrooms | 0.1577 |
Participants in Japanese tea ceremony (25 years of age or more) | 0.1576 |
Employed Persons in Tertiary Industry | 0.1527 |
Judo Hall | 0.1468 |
Participants in Japanese flower arrangement (25 years of age or more) | 0.141 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fresh Water Clams | 0.1387 |
Participants in Japanese Dance (25 years of age or more) | 0.1386 |
Total Length of Rivers | 0.1375 |
Patients with Diabetes (aged 65 or above) | 0.1344 |
Participants in Child-Rearing Assistance Activities (25 years of age or more) | 0.1309 |
Consumption Expenditure of Oysters | 0.1309 |
Women's Housekeeping Time | 0.1301 |
Death due to Old Age: Female | 0.1281 |
School Personnel | 0.1277 |
Number of Gateball Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.1274 |
Consumption Expenditure of Vinegar | 0.1259 |
Swimming Pool | 0.1241 |
Consumption Expenditure of Strawberries | 0.1207 |
Consumption Expenditure of Crabs | 0.1193 |
Consumption Expenditure of Shellfish | 0.1182 |
Kendo Hall | 0.1168 |
Participants in Nature Conservation Activities (25 years of age or more) | 0.1157 |
Suicide Victims: Male | 0.1151 |
Rate of Shotgun Wedding | 0.1106 |
Patients with Dyslipidemia | 0.1081 |
Consumption Expenditure of Sweet Potatoes | 0.108 |
Electric Energy Consumption | 0.1066 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bean curd | 0.1042 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Motorcyclist | 0.1034 |
Consumption Expenditure of Other Raw Meat | 0.1 |
Consumption Expenditure of Packed Lunch | 0.0995 |
Camp Site | 0.0992 |
Rate of Nuclear Families | 0.0951 |
Drowning Death Rate (Bath) | 0.0873 |
Death due to Stomach Cancer: Female | 0.0861 |
Daily Yamazaki | 0.0819 |
Consumption Expenditure of School Uniforms | 0.0813 |
Licensed Architect (1st grade) | 0.0796 |
Homeownership | 0.078 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cabbage | 0.0779 |
Total Road Length | 0.0779 |
Consumption Expenditure of Tomato Ketchup | 0.0778 |
Rate of Intraregional Railway Passenger Transport | 0.0757 |
Trucks Registered | 0.0736 |
Consumption Expenditure of Coffee | 0.0699 |
Participants in Go (25 years of age or more) | 0.0683 |
Death due to Old Age: Male | 0.0672 |
Japanese Archery Range | 0.063 |
People Living Alone | 0.0557 |
Athletic Field | 0.0543 |
Number of Children | 0.0535 |
Homeownership | 0.0534 |
Death due to Lung Cancer: Male | 0.0518 |
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare | 0.0487 |
Consumption Expenditure of Worcester Sauce | 0.0466 |
Lowson | 0.0461 |
Bus and Taxi Registered | 0.0448 |
Expenditure of Pocket Money (Household Heads) | 0.0439 |
Dentists | 0.0431 |
Salary of Prefectural Governors | 0.0424 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fried Bean Curd | 0.042 |
Rate of Female Physicians | 0.0384 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Bicyclist | 0.0378 |
Mos Burger | 0.0369 |
Dental Clinics | 0.033 |
Consumption Expenditure of Flounder | 0.033 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Driver | 0.0327 |
Lotteria | 0.0301 |
Vietnamese Residents in Japan | 0.0295 |
Bowling Alley | 0.027 |
Fire Death Rate | 0.0268 |
Consumption Expenditure of Instant Curry Mix | 0.0248 |
Book Stores | 0.0219 |
Average Life Expectancy: Male | 0.0218 |
Rate of Forest Land | 0.021 |
Consumption Expenditure of Handbags | 0.0182 |
Consumption Expenditure of Soybean Paste | 0.0156 |
Patients with Cancer | 0.0107 |
Fish Catches | 0.0102 |
Number of Tennis Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.0101 |
Churches | 0.0092 |
Tennis Court | 0.0073 |
Indonesian Residents in Japan | 0.0068 |
Pediatricians | 0.0066 |
Consumption Expenditure of Children's Underwear | 0.0038 |
Highest temperature | 0.0007 |
Consumption Expenditure of Women's Underwear | -0.0002 |
Consumption of Alcohol | -0.0026 |
Husband and Wife | -0.0028 |
BMI Male | -0.0065 |
Consumption Expenditure of Milk | -0.0116 |
Death due to Stomach Cancer: Male | -0.0135 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fried & Salted Snack Crackers | -0.0135 |
Soybean Production | -0.0139 |
Automobiles Registered | -0.0143 |
Consumption Expenditure of Accessories | -0.0153 |
Total Floor Space of Residential Buildings of one's own | -0.0179 |
Consumption Expenditure of Onions | -0.02 |
H1N1 Influenza | -0.0222 |
Seven Eleven | -0.0232 |
Households Living on Welfare | -0.0236 |
Monthly Cost of Water | -0.0262 |
Patients with Cerebral Infarction (aged 65 or above) | -0.0276 |
Russian Residents in Japan | -0.0286 |
Participants in Japanese calligraphy (25 years of age or more) | -0.0309 |
Total Floor Space of Residential Buildings of one's own | -0.0315 |
Number of people who went back to their hometown (25 years of age or more) | -0.0316 |
Participants in Community Safety Activities (25 years of age or more) | -0.0336 |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Consumption | -0.0339 |
Spinach Production | -0.0345 |
Consumption Expenditure of Women's clothing | -0.0363 |
Consumption Expenditure of Jelly | -0.0373 |
Consumption Expenditure of Biscuits | -0.0381 |
Industrial Production | -0.0384 |
National Achievement Test | -0.0389 |
Passenger Cars Registered | -0.0392 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mineral Water | -0.0419 |
Consumption Expenditure of Jam | -0.0441 |
Sleeping Hours | -0.0444 |
Cellphone Penetration | -0.0464 |
Consumption Expenditure of Eggplants | -0.0471 |
Consumption Expenditure of ”Kabayaki”,Broiled Eels | -0.048 |
Spectator Sport Watchers (25 years of age or more) | -0.0487 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mushrooms | -0.0503 |
Komeda Coffee | -0.051 |
Burmese Residents in Japan | -0.0512 |
Participants in Chorus and Vocal music (25 years of age or more) | -0.0531 |
Number of Joggers (25 years of age or more) | -0.0565 |
Participants in Homemaking Training (25 years of age or more) | -0.0567 |
Participants in Arts and Culture Studies (25 years of age or more) | -0.0576 |
Population Density | -0.0642 |
Death due to Bowel Cancer: Female | -0.0668 |
Savings per Household | -0.0705 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cucumbers | -0.0708 |
Participants in Gardening (25 years of age or more) | -0.0726 |
Attorney | -0.0758 |
Area of Forest Land | -0.081 |
Average Industrial Land Price | -0.0822 |
Consumption Expenditure of Butter | -0.0837 |
Rice Production | -0.0843 |
Curator | -0.0851 |
Consumption of Sake | -0.0867 |
Patient with Cavity | -0.0871 |
Consumption Expenditure of Medical Services | -0.0873 |
Mister Donut | -0.0875 |
Participants in Cooking and Sweets Cooking (25 years of age or more) | -0.0884 |
Consumption Expenditure of Clothing & Footwear | -0.0885 |
Utility Model Registrations | -0.0911 |
Average Commercial Land Price | -0.0948 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Yokan', Sweet Bean Jelly | -0.0949 |
Certified Public Accountant | -0.0962 |
Area | -0.0962 |
Riding Ground | -0.0967 |
Job Offer Retractions | -0.0971 |
Trademark Registrations | -0.0991 |
Saveon | -0.1016 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fermented Lactic Beverages | -0.1017 |
Railway Passenger Transport | -0.1021 |
South and North Korean Residents in Japan | -0.1022 |
Mobile Phone Subscriptions | -0.1052 |
Murder Victims | -0.1088 |
Average Residential Land Price | -0.1094 |
Consumption Expenditure of Men's Underwear | -0.1133 |
Consumption Expenditure of Oranges | -0.1146 |
Mean Age at First Marriage (Female) | -0.1158 |
Consumption Expenditure of Chocolate | -0.117 |
SNS Penetration | -0.1174 |
Death due to Lung Cancer: Female | -0.1182 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cucumbers | -0.1198 |
Sri Lankan Residents in Japan | -0.1221 |
Real Estate Notary | -0.1233 |
Consumption Expenditure of Jiao-zi | -0.1246 |
Number of Table Tennis Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.1255 |
Patent Attorneys | -0.126 |
Consumption Expenditure of Children's dresses | -0.1265 |
Brazilian Residents in Japan | -0.1267 |
Firing Range | -0.1288 |
Consumption Expenditure of Men's clothing | -0.1288 |
Broadband Contracts | -0.129 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Tsuyu' & 'Tare', Liquid Seasonings | -0.1295 |
Wheat Production | -0.1321 |
Facebook User | -0.1331 |
Shintoists | -0.1339 |
Consumption Expenditure of Dried Tangle | -0.1361 |
Consumption Expenditure of Flower | -0.137 |
Consumption Expenditure of Medicines | -0.1373 |
Gross Production | -0.1376 |
Croquet and Gateball Field | -0.1386 |
Consumption Expenditure of Instant Dried Soup | -0.1389 |
Patients with Cancer (aged 65 or above) | -0.1398 |
Chinese Residents in Japan | -0.1409 |
Number of Bowling Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.1415 |
French Residents in Japan | -0.1416 |
Consumption Expenditure of Puddings | -0.1423 |
Patent Registrations | -0.1435 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | -0.1437 |
Natural Gas Consumption | -0.1439 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cuttlefish | -0.1458 |
Labor and Social Security Attorney | -0.1472 |
Italian Residents in Japan | -0.1475 |
Valid Passports | -0.1482 |
Indian Residents in Japan | -0.1493 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fruits | -0.1538 |
BMI Female | -0.1565 |
Smartphone Penetration | -0.1574 |
Online Video Penetration | -0.1577 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bonito | -0.158 |
Number of Sports Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.158 |
Design Registrations | -0.161 |
Participants in Shogi (25 years of age or more) | -0.162 |
Participants in Crafts and Ceramics (25 years of age or more) | -0.1668 |
Manufacturing Industries | -0.1678 |
German Residents in Japan | -0.1688 |
Outbound Tourists (25 years of age or more) | -0.169 |
Consumption of Beer | -0.1694 |
Internet Penetration | -0.1705 |
Monthly Rent | -0.1706 |
Consumption Expenditure of Tomatoes | -0.1722 |
Participants in Playing Instrumentst (25 years of age or more) | -0.1747 |
Consumption Expenditure of Black Tea | -0.1752 |
Death due to Bowel Cancer: Male | -0.1754 |
Employed Persons in Secondary Industry | -0.1764 |
Consumption Expenditure of Croquettes | -0.1766 |
Washing Charges | -0.1768 |
Nepali Residents in Japan | -0.1776 |
Participants in Playing Japanese music (25 years of age or more) | -0.1777 |
Theatergoers (25 years of age or more) | -0.1801 |
Video Arcades | -0.1804 |
Domestic Tourists (Overnight stay)(25 years of age or more) | -0.1806 |
Participants in Drawing Pictures and Sculpturing (25 years of age or more) | -0.1816 |
Population | -0.1817 |
Population Ratio | -0.1818 |
Consumption Expenditure of Carrots | -0.1822 |
Consumption Expenditure of Root Vegetables | -0.1823 |
Participants in Knitting and Handicraft (25 years of age or more) | -0.1858 |
Number of Soccer Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.1864 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bean Sprouts | -0.1872 |
Educational Expenses | -0.1872 |
Consumption Expenditure of Octopus | -0.1886 |
Amateur Photographers (25 years of age or more) | -0.1914 |
Prefectural Income | -0.1918 |
Engel's coefficient | -0.1919 |
Participants in Classical Music Concert (25 years of age or more) | -0.1948 |
Participants in Dressmaking (25 years of age or more) | -0.1953 |
Doutor Coffee | -0.1969 |
English language learners (25 years of age or more) | -0.1977 |
Waka, Haiku, Poetry and Novel Composers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2001 |
Japanese HIV Carriers | -0.2011 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bonito Fillets & Fish Flakes, Dried | -0.2033 |
Number of Golfers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2043 |
Game Parlors | -0.2053 |
Minimum Wage | -0.2058 |
Baseball ground | -0.2071 |
Motorcycles Registered | -0.2076 |
Foreign Residents in Japan | -0.2078 |
Participants in DIY (25 years of age or more) | -0.2105 |
American Residents in Japan | -0.2114 |
Concentration of Population | -0.213 |
Matsuya | -0.2149 |
Consumption Expenditure of Salt | -0.215 |
Philippine Residents in Japan | -0.2152 |
Rate of Empty Rental Houses | -0.2185 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cakes | -0.2187 |
Number of Badminton Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.2191 |
Consumption Expenditure of Shao-mais | -0.2196 |
Consumption Expenditure of String beans | -0.2198 |
Consumption Expenditure of Lettuce | -0.2212 |
Number of Swimmers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2256 |
English Residents in Japan | -0.2263 |
Vacation Homes | -0.2272 |
Golf Course | -0.229 |
Book Readers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2318 |
Consumption Expenditure of Leafy Vegetables | -0.234 |
Fitness Clubs | -0.2352 |
Domestic Tourists (Overnight stay)(25 years of age or more) | -0.236 |
Video Game Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.2361 |
Family Mart | -0.2386 |
Amusement park, Zoo, Botanical garden, Aquarium Visitors (25 years of age or more) | -0.2422 |
Mean Age of Mother at 1st Child Birth | -0.2425 |
Dance Studio, Dance Hall | -0.2438 |
Peruvian Residents in Japan | -0.2445 |
Moviegoers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2466 |
Seicomart | -0.2487 |
Working Hours | -0.2491 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cakes & Candies | -0.2494 |
Consumption Expenditure of Scallops | -0.2499 |
Suicide Victims: Female | -0.2501 |
Consumption Expenditure of Ready-to-eat Food | -0.2529 |
Online Game Penetration | -0.2547 |
Participants in Concert (25 years of age or more) | -0.255 |
Thai Residents in Japan | -0.257 |
Attractiveness | -0.2571 |
Consumption of Wine | -0.2572 |
Participants in Karaoke (25 years of age or more) | -0.2601 |
Japanese and Foreign HIV Carriers | -0.2605 |
Delivery Cost | -0.2628 |
Consumption Expenditure of Broccoli | -0.2644 |
| -0.2646 |
Mean Elevation | -0.2693 |
Mean Age at First Marriage (Male) | -0.2702 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fried food | -0.2725 |
Private High School Fee for 1st Year | -0.2758 |
Participants in Dance (25 years of age or more) | -0.2811 |
Number of Baseball Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.2812 |
Taiwanese Residents in Japan | -0.2829 |
Consumption Expenditure of Apples | -0.2908 |
Ministop | -0.2928 |
Mean Age of Father at 1st Child Birth | -0.3017 |
Consumption Expenditure of Vegetables & Seaweeds Prepared in Soy Sauce | -0.3028 |
Online Shopping Penetration | -0.3046 |
Consumption Expenditure of ”Wakame”, seaweed | -0.305 |
Rate of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | -0.3055 |
Number of Hikers (25 years of age or more) | -0.3083 |
Kerosene Consumption | -0.3084 |
Number of Cyclists (25 years of age or more) | -0.3089 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cutlets | -0.3185 |
Consumption Expenditure of Carbonated Beverages | -0.3212 |
Rate of Pediatricians | -0.3229 |
Skating Rink | -0.3235 |
Consumption Expenditure of Welsh Onions | -0.3237 |
Nakau | -0.3248 |
Rate of Smoking: Male | -0.3329 |
Starbucks | -0.3379 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Senbei', Japanese Crackers | -0.3381 |
Meal TIme | -0.3405 |
Number of Basketball Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.3427 |
Consumption Expenditure of Pickled Vegetables | -0.3467 |
Rate of Smoking: Female | -0.3471 |
Sukiya | -0.3494 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Yakitori”,Grilled Chickens | -0.3524 |
Ski Resort | -0.3548 |
Annual Rate of Unemployment | -0.3564 |
Consumption Expenditure of Pickled Fish | -0.375 |
Consumption Expenditure of Spinach | -0.379 |
Consumption of Pork | -0.3828 |
AIDS Patients | -0.3831 |
Convenience Stores | -0.3952 |
Consumption Expenditure of Salad | -0.3985 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cheese | -0.3988 |
Consumption Expenditure of Hamburg Steak | -0.3997 |
Gyudon (Beef bowl) Stores | -0.4108 |
Yoshinoya | -0.424 |
Consumption of Whisky | -0.4521 |
Consumption Expenditure of Saury | -0.4583 |
Number of Ski & Snowboard Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.4631 |
Consumption Expenditure of Salmon | -0.466 |
Consumption Expenditure of Radishes | -0.4693 |
Number of campers (25 years of age or more) | -0.4729 |
Average time spent on Volunteer and social activities | -0.4865 |
Consumption Expenditure of Onigiri | -0.4888 |
Stats | Correlation Coefficient |
Order | Asc Desc |
Consumption Expenditure of Onigiri | -0.4888 |
Average time spent on Volunteer and social activities | -0.4865 |
Number of campers (25 years of age or more) | -0.4729 |
Consumption Expenditure of Radishes | -0.4693 |
Consumption Expenditure of Salmon | -0.466 |
Number of Ski & Snowboard Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.4631 |
Consumption Expenditure of Saury | -0.4583 |
Consumption of Whisky | -0.4521 |
Yoshinoya | -0.424 |
Gyudon (Beef bowl) Stores | -0.4108 |
Consumption Expenditure of Hamburg Steak | -0.3997 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cheese | -0.3988 |
Consumption Expenditure of Salad | -0.3985 |
Convenience Stores | -0.3952 |
AIDS Patients | -0.3831 |
Consumption of Pork | -0.3828 |
Consumption Expenditure of Spinach | -0.379 |
Consumption Expenditure of Pickled Fish | -0.375 |
Annual Rate of Unemployment | -0.3564 |
Ski Resort | -0.3548 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Yakitori”,Grilled Chickens | -0.3524 |
Sukiya | -0.3494 |
Rate of Smoking: Female | -0.3471 |
Consumption Expenditure of Pickled Vegetables | -0.3467 |
Number of Basketball Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.3427 |
Meal TIme | -0.3405 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Senbei', Japanese Crackers | -0.3381 |
Starbucks | -0.3379 |
Rate of Smoking: Male | -0.3329 |
Nakau | -0.3248 |
Consumption Expenditure of Welsh Onions | -0.3237 |
Skating Rink | -0.3235 |
Rate of Pediatricians | -0.3229 |
Consumption Expenditure of Carbonated Beverages | -0.3212 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cutlets | -0.3185 |
Number of Cyclists (25 years of age or more) | -0.3089 |
Kerosene Consumption | -0.3084 |
Number of Hikers (25 years of age or more) | -0.3083 |
Rate of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | -0.3055 |
Consumption Expenditure of ”Wakame”, seaweed | -0.305 |
Online Shopping Penetration | -0.3046 |
Consumption Expenditure of Vegetables & Seaweeds Prepared in Soy Sauce | -0.3028 |
Mean Age of Father at 1st Child Birth | -0.3017 |
Ministop | -0.2928 |
Consumption Expenditure of Apples | -0.2908 |
Taiwanese Residents in Japan | -0.2829 |
Number of Baseball Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.2812 |
Participants in Dance (25 years of age or more) | -0.2811 |
Private High School Fee for 1st Year | -0.2758 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fried food | -0.2725 |
Mean Age at First Marriage (Male) | -0.2702 |
Mean Elevation | -0.2693 |
| -0.2646 |
Consumption Expenditure of Broccoli | -0.2644 |
Delivery Cost | -0.2628 |
Japanese and Foreign HIV Carriers | -0.2605 |
Participants in Karaoke (25 years of age or more) | -0.2601 |
Consumption of Wine | -0.2572 |
Attractiveness | -0.2571 |
Thai Residents in Japan | -0.257 |
Participants in Concert (25 years of age or more) | -0.255 |
Online Game Penetration | -0.2547 |
Consumption Expenditure of Ready-to-eat Food | -0.2529 |
Suicide Victims: Female | -0.2501 |
Consumption Expenditure of Scallops | -0.2499 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cakes & Candies | -0.2494 |
Working Hours | -0.2491 |
Seicomart | -0.2487 |
Moviegoers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2466 |
Peruvian Residents in Japan | -0.2445 |
Dance Studio, Dance Hall | -0.2438 |
Mean Age of Mother at 1st Child Birth | -0.2425 |
Amusement park, Zoo, Botanical garden, Aquarium Visitors (25 years of age or more) | -0.2422 |
Family Mart | -0.2386 |
Video Game Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.2361 |
Domestic Tourists (Overnight stay)(25 years of age or more) | -0.236 |
Fitness Clubs | -0.2352 |
Consumption Expenditure of Leafy Vegetables | -0.234 |
Book Readers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2318 |
Golf Course | -0.229 |
Vacation Homes | -0.2272 |
English Residents in Japan | -0.2263 |
Number of Swimmers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2256 |
Consumption Expenditure of Lettuce | -0.2212 |
Consumption Expenditure of String beans | -0.2198 |
Consumption Expenditure of Shao-mais | -0.2196 |
Number of Badminton Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.2191 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cakes | -0.2187 |
Rate of Empty Rental Houses | -0.2185 |
Philippine Residents in Japan | -0.2152 |
Consumption Expenditure of Salt | -0.215 |
Matsuya | -0.2149 |
Concentration of Population | -0.213 |
American Residents in Japan | -0.2114 |
Participants in DIY (25 years of age or more) | -0.2105 |
Foreign Residents in Japan | -0.2078 |
Motorcycles Registered | -0.2076 |
Baseball ground | -0.2071 |
Minimum Wage | -0.2058 |
Game Parlors | -0.2053 |
Number of Golfers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2043 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bonito Fillets & Fish Flakes, Dried | -0.2033 |
Japanese HIV Carriers | -0.2011 |
Waka, Haiku, Poetry and Novel Composers (25 years of age or more) | -0.2001 |
English language learners (25 years of age or more) | -0.1977 |
Doutor Coffee | -0.1969 |
Participants in Dressmaking (25 years of age or more) | -0.1953 |
Participants in Classical Music Concert (25 years of age or more) | -0.1948 |
Engel's coefficient | -0.1919 |
Prefectural Income | -0.1918 |
Amateur Photographers (25 years of age or more) | -0.1914 |
Consumption Expenditure of Octopus | -0.1886 |
Educational Expenses | -0.1872 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bean Sprouts | -0.1872 |
Number of Soccer Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.1864 |
Participants in Knitting and Handicraft (25 years of age or more) | -0.1858 |
Consumption Expenditure of Root Vegetables | -0.1823 |
Consumption Expenditure of Carrots | -0.1822 |
Population Ratio | -0.1818 |
Population | -0.1817 |
Participants in Drawing Pictures and Sculpturing (25 years of age or more) | -0.1816 |
Domestic Tourists (Overnight stay)(25 years of age or more) | -0.1806 |
Video Arcades | -0.1804 |
Theatergoers (25 years of age or more) | -0.1801 |
Participants in Playing Japanese music (25 years of age or more) | -0.1777 |
Nepali Residents in Japan | -0.1776 |
Washing Charges | -0.1768 |
Consumption Expenditure of Croquettes | -0.1766 |
Employed Persons in Secondary Industry | -0.1764 |
Death due to Bowel Cancer: Male | -0.1754 |
Consumption Expenditure of Black Tea | -0.1752 |
Participants in Playing Instrumentst (25 years of age or more) | -0.1747 |
Consumption Expenditure of Tomatoes | -0.1722 |
Monthly Rent | -0.1706 |
Internet Penetration | -0.1705 |
Consumption of Beer | -0.1694 |
Outbound Tourists (25 years of age or more) | -0.169 |
German Residents in Japan | -0.1688 |
Manufacturing Industries | -0.1678 |
Participants in Crafts and Ceramics (25 years of age or more) | -0.1668 |
Participants in Shogi (25 years of age or more) | -0.162 |
Design Registrations | -0.161 |
Number of Sports Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.158 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bonito | -0.158 |
Online Video Penetration | -0.1577 |
Smartphone Penetration | -0.1574 |
BMI Female | -0.1565 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fruits | -0.1538 |
Indian Residents in Japan | -0.1493 |
Valid Passports | -0.1482 |
Italian Residents in Japan | -0.1475 |
Labor and Social Security Attorney | -0.1472 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cuttlefish | -0.1458 |
Natural Gas Consumption | -0.1439 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | -0.1437 |
Patent Registrations | -0.1435 |
Consumption Expenditure of Puddings | -0.1423 |
French Residents in Japan | -0.1416 |
Number of Bowling Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.1415 |
Chinese Residents in Japan | -0.1409 |
Patients with Cancer (aged 65 or above) | -0.1398 |
Consumption Expenditure of Instant Dried Soup | -0.1389 |
Croquet and Gateball Field | -0.1386 |
Gross Production | -0.1376 |
Consumption Expenditure of Medicines | -0.1373 |
Consumption Expenditure of Flower | -0.137 |
Consumption Expenditure of Dried Tangle | -0.1361 |
Shintoists | -0.1339 |
Facebook User | -0.1331 |
Wheat Production | -0.1321 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Tsuyu' & 'Tare', Liquid Seasonings | -0.1295 |
Broadband Contracts | -0.129 |
Consumption Expenditure of Men's clothing | -0.1288 |
Firing Range | -0.1288 |
Brazilian Residents in Japan | -0.1267 |
Consumption Expenditure of Children's dresses | -0.1265 |
Patent Attorneys | -0.126 |
Number of Table Tennis Players (25 years of age or more) | -0.1255 |
Consumption Expenditure of Jiao-zi | -0.1246 |
Real Estate Notary | -0.1233 |
Sri Lankan Residents in Japan | -0.1221 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cucumbers | -0.1198 |
Death due to Lung Cancer: Female | -0.1182 |
SNS Penetration | -0.1174 |
Consumption Expenditure of Chocolate | -0.117 |
Mean Age at First Marriage (Female) | -0.1158 |
Consumption Expenditure of Oranges | -0.1146 |
Consumption Expenditure of Men's Underwear | -0.1133 |
Average Residential Land Price | -0.1094 |
Murder Victims | -0.1088 |
Mobile Phone Subscriptions | -0.1052 |
South and North Korean Residents in Japan | -0.1022 |
Railway Passenger Transport | -0.1021 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fermented Lactic Beverages | -0.1017 |
Saveon | -0.1016 |
Trademark Registrations | -0.0991 |
Job Offer Retractions | -0.0971 |
Riding Ground | -0.0967 |
Area | -0.0962 |
Certified Public Accountant | -0.0962 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Yokan', Sweet Bean Jelly | -0.0949 |
Average Commercial Land Price | -0.0948 |
Utility Model Registrations | -0.0911 |
Consumption Expenditure of Clothing & Footwear | -0.0885 |
Participants in Cooking and Sweets Cooking (25 years of age or more) | -0.0884 |
Mister Donut | -0.0875 |
Consumption Expenditure of Medical Services | -0.0873 |
Patient with Cavity | -0.0871 |
Consumption of Sake | -0.0867 |
Curator | -0.0851 |
Rice Production | -0.0843 |
Consumption Expenditure of Butter | -0.0837 |
Average Industrial Land Price | -0.0822 |
Area of Forest Land | -0.081 |
Attorney | -0.0758 |
Participants in Gardening (25 years of age or more) | -0.0726 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cucumbers | -0.0708 |
Savings per Household | -0.0705 |
Death due to Bowel Cancer: Female | -0.0668 |
Population Density | -0.0642 |
Participants in Arts and Culture Studies (25 years of age or more) | -0.0576 |
Participants in Homemaking Training (25 years of age or more) | -0.0567 |
Number of Joggers (25 years of age or more) | -0.0565 |
Participants in Chorus and Vocal music (25 years of age or more) | -0.0531 |
Burmese Residents in Japan | -0.0512 |
Komeda Coffee | -0.051 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mushrooms | -0.0503 |
Spectator Sport Watchers (25 years of age or more) | -0.0487 |
Consumption Expenditure of ”Kabayaki”,Broiled Eels | -0.048 |
Consumption Expenditure of Eggplants | -0.0471 |
Cellphone Penetration | -0.0464 |
Sleeping Hours | -0.0444 |
Consumption Expenditure of Jam | -0.0441 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mineral Water | -0.0419 |
Passenger Cars Registered | -0.0392 |
National Achievement Test | -0.0389 |
Industrial Production | -0.0384 |
Consumption Expenditure of Biscuits | -0.0381 |
Consumption Expenditure of Jelly | -0.0373 |
Consumption Expenditure of Women's clothing | -0.0363 |
Spinach Production | -0.0345 |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Consumption | -0.0339 |
Participants in Community Safety Activities (25 years of age or more) | -0.0336 |
Number of people who went back to their hometown (25 years of age or more) | -0.0316 |
Total Floor Space of Residential Buildings of one's own | -0.0315 |
Participants in Japanese calligraphy (25 years of age or more) | -0.0309 |
Russian Residents in Japan | -0.0286 |
Patients with Cerebral Infarction (aged 65 or above) | -0.0276 |
Monthly Cost of Water | -0.0262 |
Households Living on Welfare | -0.0236 |
Seven Eleven | -0.0232 |
H1N1 Influenza | -0.0222 |
Consumption Expenditure of Onions | -0.02 |
Total Floor Space of Residential Buildings of one's own | -0.0179 |
Consumption Expenditure of Accessories | -0.0153 |
Automobiles Registered | -0.0143 |
Soybean Production | -0.0139 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fried & Salted Snack Crackers | -0.0135 |
Death due to Stomach Cancer: Male | -0.0135 |
Consumption Expenditure of Milk | -0.0116 |
BMI Male | -0.0065 |
Husband and Wife | -0.0028 |
Consumption of Alcohol | -0.0026 |
Consumption Expenditure of Women's Underwear | -0.0002 |
Highest temperature | 0.0007 |
Consumption Expenditure of Children's Underwear | 0.0038 |
Pediatricians | 0.0066 |
Indonesian Residents in Japan | 0.0068 |
Tennis Court | 0.0073 |
Churches | 0.0092 |
Number of Tennis Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.0101 |
Fish Catches | 0.0102 |
Patients with Cancer | 0.0107 |
Consumption Expenditure of Soybean Paste | 0.0156 |
Consumption Expenditure of Handbags | 0.0182 |
Rate of Forest Land | 0.021 |
Average Life Expectancy: Male | 0.0218 |
Book Stores | 0.0219 |
Consumption Expenditure of Instant Curry Mix | 0.0248 |
Fire Death Rate | 0.0268 |
Bowling Alley | 0.027 |
Vietnamese Residents in Japan | 0.0295 |
Lotteria | 0.0301 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Driver | 0.0327 |
Consumption Expenditure of Flounder | 0.033 |
Dental Clinics | 0.033 |
Mos Burger | 0.0369 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Bicyclist | 0.0378 |
Rate of Female Physicians | 0.0384 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fried Bean Curd | 0.042 |
Salary of Prefectural Governors | 0.0424 |
Dentists | 0.0431 |
Expenditure of Pocket Money (Household Heads) | 0.0439 |
Bus and Taxi Registered | 0.0448 |
Lowson | 0.0461 |
Consumption Expenditure of Worcester Sauce | 0.0466 |
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare | 0.0487 |
Death due to Lung Cancer: Male | 0.0518 |
Homeownership | 0.0534 |
Number of Children | 0.0535 |
Athletic Field | 0.0543 |
People Living Alone | 0.0557 |
Japanese Archery Range | 0.063 |
Death due to Old Age: Male | 0.0672 |
Participants in Go (25 years of age or more) | 0.0683 |
Consumption Expenditure of Coffee | 0.0699 |
Trucks Registered | 0.0736 |
Rate of Intraregional Railway Passenger Transport | 0.0757 |
Consumption Expenditure of Tomato Ketchup | 0.0778 |
Total Road Length | 0.0779 |
Consumption Expenditure of Cabbage | 0.0779 |
Homeownership | 0.078 |
Licensed Architect (1st grade) | 0.0796 |
Consumption Expenditure of School Uniforms | 0.0813 |
Daily Yamazaki | 0.0819 |
Death due to Stomach Cancer: Female | 0.0861 |
Drowning Death Rate (Bath) | 0.0873 |
Rate of Nuclear Families | 0.0951 |
Camp Site | 0.0992 |
Consumption Expenditure of Packed Lunch | 0.0995 |
Consumption Expenditure of Other Raw Meat | 0.1 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Motorcyclist | 0.1034 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bean curd | 0.1042 |
Electric Energy Consumption | 0.1066 |
Consumption Expenditure of Sweet Potatoes | 0.108 |
Patients with Dyslipidemia | 0.1081 |
Rate of Shotgun Wedding | 0.1106 |
Suicide Victims: Male | 0.1151 |
Participants in Nature Conservation Activities (25 years of age or more) | 0.1157 |
Kendo Hall | 0.1168 |
Consumption Expenditure of Shellfish | 0.1182 |
Consumption Expenditure of Crabs | 0.1193 |
Consumption Expenditure of Strawberries | 0.1207 |
Swimming Pool | 0.1241 |
Consumption Expenditure of Vinegar | 0.1259 |
Number of Gateball Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.1274 |
School Personnel | 0.1277 |
Death due to Old Age: Female | 0.1281 |
Women's Housekeeping Time | 0.1301 |
Consumption Expenditure of Oysters | 0.1309 |
Participants in Child-Rearing Assistance Activities (25 years of age or more) | 0.1309 |
Patients with Diabetes (aged 65 or above) | 0.1344 |
Total Length of Rivers | 0.1375 |
Participants in Japanese Dance (25 years of age or more) | 0.1386 |
Consumption Expenditure of Fresh Water Clams | 0.1387 |
Participants in Japanese flower arrangement (25 years of age or more) | 0.141 |
Judo Hall | 0.1468 |
Employed Persons in Tertiary Industry | 0.1527 |
Participants in Japanese tea ceremony (25 years of age or more) | 0.1576 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Enokitake”, mushrooms | 0.1577 |
Temples | 0.1578 |
Total Floor Space of Residential Buildings of rental housing | 0.1586 |
Obstetricians and Gynecologists | 0.1615 |
Rate of Empty Houses | 0.1616 |
Local Government Employees | 0.1692 |
Number of Softball Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.1704 |
Consumption Expenditure of Taros | 0.1706 |
Shinto Shrines | 0.1723 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Shimeji”, mushrooms | 0.1738 |
Gym | 0.1759 |
Elementary School Students | 0.1806 |
Consumption Expenditure of Soy Sauce | 0.1808 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - All | 0.1834 |
Rate of Double-Income Households | 0.1853 |
Participants in Community Development Activities (25 years of age or more) | 0.1901 |
Christians | 0.1951 |
Automobile Accidents | 0.1954 |
Participants in Volunteer Work (25 years of age or more) | 0.2013 |
Consumption Expenditure of “Shiitake”, Japanese mushrooms, fresh | 0.2025 |
Consumption Expenditure of Bananas | 0.2083 |
Employed Persons in Primary Industry | 0.2089 |
Rate of Artificial Forest Land | 0.21 |
Consumption Expenditure of White Potatoes | 0.2102 |
Consumption of Shochu | 0.2104 |
Rate of Single-parent Households | 0.2124 |
Consumption Expenditure of Frozen Food | 0.2133 |
Consumption Expenditure of Dried Laver | 0.2133 |
Consumption Expenditure of Green Tea | 0.2148 |
Consumption Expenditure of Seafood | 0.216 |
Internet cafe | 0.2177 |
Buddhists | 0.2189 |
Patients with Hypertension (aged 65 or above) | 0.219 |
Mass Media Viewing TIme | 0.2247 |
Female Physicians | 0.226 |
Pachinko Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.2305 |
Consumption Expenditure of Dressing | 0.2329 |
Consumption Expenditure of Edible Oil | 0.2355 |
Average Life Expectancy: Female | 0.2409 |
Consumption Expenditure of Short-Necked Clams | 0.2418 |
Rest and Relaxation Ttime | 0.2448 |
Patients with Diabetes | 0.2491 |
Consumption Expenditure of Flavour Seasonings | 0.2511 |
Patients with Major depressive disorder | 0.2543 |
Consumption Expenditure of Burdocks | 0.256 |
Consumption Expenditure of Candies | 0.2589 |
Drowning Death Rate (Except for Bath) | 0.2597 |
Pachinko Parlors | 0.2615 |
Amount of Greenhouse Gas Emission | 0.2864 |
Patients with Major depressive disorder (aged 65 or above) | 0.2896 |
Traffic-Related Death Rate - Pedestrian | 0.2938 |
Consumption Expenditure of Watermelons | 0.2992 |
Consumption Expenditure of Shrimps & Lobsters | 0.2996 |
Consumption Expenditure of Margarine | 0.3085 |
Sumo Ring | 0.3114 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mayonnaise & Mayonnaise Flavor Seasoning | 0.318 |
Consumption Expenditure of Pumpkins | 0.3244 |
Senior Citizens | 0.3307 |
Elementary Schools | 0.3327 |
Consumption of Beef | 0.3404 |
Consumption Expenditure of Chinese cabbage | 0.3494 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Manju', Bean-jam Cakes | 0.3582 |
Pharmacies | 0.3644 |
Death Due to Cancer : Male | 0.3725 |
Consumption Expenditure of Citrus Fruits | 0.375 |
Theaters and Concert halls | 0.3777 |
General Beds | 0.3915 |
Death due to Liver Cancer: Male | 0.4106 |
Practicing Physicians | 0.4176 |
Hospital | 0.4181 |
Number of Physicians | 0.4186 |
Number of Volleyball Players (25 years of age or more) | 0.4321 |
Consumption Expenditure of ’Furikake’, Granular Flavour Seasonings | 0.4343 |
Death Due to Cancer : Female | 0.4368 |
Consumption Expenditure of Sugar | 0.437 |
Consumption Expenditure of 'Kasutera', Sponge Cakes | 0.4388 |
Male Physicians | 0.4507 |
Consumption Amount of Umbrella | 0.4615 |
Death due to Liver Cancer: Female | 0.4723 |
Psychiatric Hospitals | 0.4735 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mandarin Oranges | 0.4865 |
Beds for Mental Patients | 0.4913 |
Beds for Long-Term Care | 0.4954 |
Paved Rate | 0.5031 |
Clinic | 0.5179 |
Patient with Fracture | 0.5333 |
Patients with Asthma | 0.5372 |
Patient with Fracture | 0.5437 |
Length of Coastline | 0.5472 |
Number of Anglers (25 years of age or more) | 0.5541 |
Nurse | 0.5544 |
Poplar | 0.5939 |
Consumption of Chicken | 0.5981 |
Consumption Expenditure of Yellowtail | 0.638 |
Consumption Expenditure of Sardines | 0.653 |
Consumption Expenditure of Mackerel | 0.7205 |